Informations importantes sur la rougeole

Important information about measles

Due to gaps in vaccination rates, measles is making a comeback around the world. Many parents are wondering if their families are adequately protected against this disease. In most cases, the answer is yes.

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Immunity in adults and childhood vaccination

Most adults born before 1957 are immune to measles, due to natural exposure to the virus. Anyone who received two doses of measles vaccine after 1968 is likely to have lifelong protection against the virus.

Currently, most children are vaccinated with the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine at age one, and then a second time at age three or four, before they start kindergarten. A single dose of the MMR vaccine is more than 90% effective in preventing measles, and after two doses, the effectiveness approaches 100%.

Risks for those vaccinated before 1968

People who received the measles vaccine before 1968 may be at higher risk of developing the disease because the inactivated vaccine used at that time was not as effective as the current live attenuated vaccine. People are advised to have their antibody levels checked (titration test) to make sure they are immune. Anyone who is not immune can easily get a booster dose of the MMR vaccine.

How to check your vaccination status

If your vaccination or immunity status is unclear, consider getting a measles titer. This blood test measures measles immunoglobulin levels and determines whether you are adequately protected against the virus.

Vaccination of children under one year old

What about children under one year of age who have not yet received the vaccine? For families with young children at high risk of measles exposure, the vaccine can be given as early as six months of age. However, two additional booster doses still need to be given after the child's first birthday.

For more information on measles and vaccination, follow the recommendations of the Ministry of Health .

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